• Air law is a body of rules governing the use of airspace and its benefit for aviation, the general public and the nations of the world. (Diedriks–Verschoor) • Air Law is the regulation of the circulation, the navigation and the use of aircraft and also the legal right and obligation which may rise therefrom. (Pepin) • Air Law comprises all kinds of law, regulations and customs connected with flight and all rights and obligations of human beings as executive, which are base on Treaties, Conventions and customs valid amongst nations concerning flight. (Prof. Dr. Priyatna Abdurrasyid, SH) Another Terms ? Aviation Law Navigation Law Air Transportation Law Only one sector of Air Law and thus conveying too narrow an interpretation Air Law is interwined with other areas of law on several points. It involves many aspects of constitutional law, civil law, commercial law and criminal law. Aviation law is the branch of law that concerns flight, air tr...